It's sad how much video games have robbed children of imagination (as I contemplate buying a systym again with tax funds -- mainly so Ross will bring his friends over to play and not just go to their houses!) ...
A friend's son was over this week to play with Noah and was quickly bored with Playmobil (we have quite a bit) and Legos wanted to get on the computer (so did Noah) and I said no. Noah said come in my tent....built of dining room chairs and blankets.... this boy didn't have a clue what it was or why you would want to be in one!
They did go to the trampoline and stay off the puter but still it made me sad....(and yes he is a child who is constantly on the computer/video games,etc). Now I'm not saying my boys aren't on the computer to much, I think they are but I've kinda forced them to be bored at times just for this reason -- I loved it when we lived at Ft. Irwin and they played war games in the desert with friends for hours on end, tried to set things on fire (no not that they and their little friends did so without permission and help but that they were being normal boys!), wanted to see how things worked,etc!
We are so politically incorrect....(nerf gun wars in my house, laser tag, war games complete with two ways, helmets and prisoners, and I would love for Ross to get into shotting sports in 4-H so maybe I need to buy a weapon with the tax money instead of a ps2?)
I've been thinking about this very issue. We got rid of the TV when we moved here. We limit the play station to be a treat that is earned - about once a month. BUT the computer games...and videos....are getting out of hand again, I think. I need to be more intentional about the younger two children's play time...rather than letting them veg because I'm an aging mom and want to veg. LOL
You know TV, not much technology to play with without each other...I'm all for the "old fashioned" use-your-imagination toys. So I vote NO to the PS2. But I'll still love you if you choose to buy one. ;)
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