So today is Monday and not Friday... but yesterday I had a few moments to add.
I've been making draft stoppers finally! Something creative... I'd been feeling very dry creatively doing everything else that "needs" to be done and not anything fun .... these are just fabric tubes filled with rice and placed on the windowsills in hopes it will help with our heating bills. But it was fun and Noah had fun helping fill them with rice.
If you can sew a straight seam you can make these too easily! (too easy 1sgt!) just choose your fabric (I got 9 out of one yard), cut long enough to fit your window and approx 4-6 in wide depending on how fat you want them. 1/2" sem allowance to close the tube and 1/4 " for the side seam, turn, fill(approx 3-4 cups of rice), sew closed and you're done! I also made one for the door which was longer and 6-7" around. So cost wise it was around $1.25 apiece.
Am going to make the double sided ones for front and den doors today (with copper pipe insulation inside them -- much cheaper than the ones on tv -- $1.87 for 6 ft of insulation at Lowe's and a 1/2 yard of fabric.).
Managed to get some math done with Ross too without to much of a fight. I really think he is not going to PS next year either.
Blessings and pictures later....
Hi Holly! We don't know each other but I have seen your posts on Nicolle's blog and now Angie's. I just finished reading some of your blog and feel like I should tell you I am praying for you and your son.
I have a teenaged son too. Until this year, he has been so easy on his dad and I. God has blessed that boy with a respect and honor for his parents that is unusual in a boy his age (18).
However, this year for the first time with him, we have seen signs of teenage angst, confusion, and frustration. He is considered by the state to be an "adult" (old enough to vote, etc.) but his dad and I know that he is finally going thru some of the things most kids have gone thru already between the ages of 14 and 18.
We just constantly try to talk with him but getting him to really talk and open up can be like pulling teeth. Instead of asking him questions like "How was school?" we have learned we have to make leading statements like, "Tell me about your day." This way he HAS to give details and he can't just give the obligatory "Fine" answer to the above question.
*sigh* We pray for him daily, more than once a day...sometimes all thru the day! =) I can understand how difficult it must be for you to be raising your son without his dad around to help. My dad was career Army (yes, I'm an Army Brat!)and my mom basically raised 5 kids by herself and, unfortunately, without a strong faith like you have!
Continue to pray for your son and just be there for him, whether he acts like he wants you around or not. Offer to take him out on a "date" for "Special Mom and Son Time" (as our counselor calls it). You would be surprised what calling a little attention to the time you spend with him by labeling it can do! This has actually worked with our youngest son who has Asperger's Syndrome and was having jealousy issues with how much time his dad was spending with our oldest son.
Someday your son is going to look back on these years and be thankful that you never gave up on him!
Hang in there Mama! I will be praying for you and if you ever want to email me (vkindsdfater@gmail.com), please feel free!
Sorry...I got my own email addy wrong...WHOOPS!!! It should be vkindsfater@gmail.com...there, that's better! :O)
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