October 4, 2011

Grace in motion ..... (day 4)

What comes to mind with those words?  A ballerina performing a Grand Jete or balancing beautifully en pointe?

or a gymnast on the balance beam?

How about a horse in full gallop?

The flutter of leaves this time of year, girls skipping or a couple who dances well?

All of these are indeed examples of grace in motion but it is not the Grace of which I speak .... rather that of life, all beauty points back to the one who created beauty  ....  The Common Grace of God which holds all together ...

..... to sing ..... to move .... to love ...... to reach out and help others ... hold someone's hand .... delight in fireflies .... the quiet grace of breath and heartbeat

How have you seen Grace move in your life today?

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“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." .... Jeremiah 29:11 (esv)