Let them give thanks to the LORD
for His faithful love
and His wonderful works for the human race. Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving
and announce His works with shouts of joy
for His faithful love
and His wonderful works for the human race. Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving
and announce His works with shouts of joy
For He has satisfied the thirsty
and filled the hungry with good things. .... Psalm 107:7-9 (read the rest of it, long but worth it!.. here )
and filled the hungry with good things. .... Psalm 107:7-9 (read the rest of it, long but worth it!.. here )

I confess I have not had the best attitude of late towards hubby or God -- I have been praying for years, YEARS people! -- about our family and our soldoutness to God (it's a word I made it up, whatever!), about hubby leading more , I was very disappointed with his reaction - or lack thereof - with the movie Courageous, angry with him and his deployment habits -- hey we've done 6 it's a habit! -- not that he goes, that's not a choice but his choices not to write or make extra effort to be involved. I feel hurt, abandoned and rejected. So there you go...
BUT -- I have not been choosing to be thankful anyway -- at least not where he's concerned! He really IS a great guy -- he does so much that other husbands don't. He doesn't question my involvement with PWOC, babysits without complaining (even other peoples kiddos), doesn't harass me about the budget, does laundry,etc .... yet I see the way it could be and I yearn for that .....
Mark Gungor says that "when your expectations don't meet your experience you have an emotional meltdown" .... well honey Satan has been testing me on that and let me tell you it's been melting all over the place over here even if it is below freezing out....
Whoever sacrifices a thank offering honors Me,
and whoever orders his conduct,
I will show him the salvation of God. ....Psalm 50:23
and whoever orders his conduct,
I will show him the salvation of God. ....Psalm 50:23
By very definition sacrifice means it will cost you something .. don't believe me? feel free to look it up .... it will cost me something to Thank God in the middle of things that don't make sense, of things that I've prayed about and heard wait again, or no ....... so to thank God in the very midst of pain doesn't negate the pain, do away with the emotions, the fact I feel unheard IS NOT SIN, but choosing to dwell on it and use it to hurt my husband is another story .... counseling IS NOT SIN ......tears, wrestling with God IS NOT SIN .....
the sacrifice is in the choosing
~ to love my husband in SPITE of the things that make me crazy, ..
~or the fact that he doesn't do the things I wish he would (like pray with me).....
~to thank God that my son doesn't do drugs, sleep around,etc EVEN if he is choosing badly in school....
~ to see the beauty in each day .... as Ann says "the ugly beautiful" ....asking Him to make the Ugly beautiful in spite of me .....
~ in the letting go of those things I hang on to for protection: pride, being right, hurt, despair, desires, dreams, expectations, anger, the things I long for .... to be willing to pay the cost
~ to breathe in the blessings of God and breathe out gratitude..........even, no ESPECIALLY when it hurts.....

I want to do that ..... to lift up my life in Thanksgiving as a living sacrifice....
even when I don't understand or see a "return" .....
to be free to praise in the midst of pain ......
To believe that
1 comment:
I was listening this morning to the Christian radio station that I like to listen to when I drive. I was on my way home from taking the Princess to school.
This is what I heard....Thank God in all things,until we thank God for everything we can not move on,our life will not have peace and we can not be fulfilled. We are to thank God for the day, for everything good, but we are also suppose to thank God for the bad, for trials, for pain and even death.
It is hard to want to thank God for the things we think are hard and painful in our lifes,we know that He puts everthing in our life for a reason, if He does everything for a reason why do we find it so hard and forget to thank Him for the bad, yet we can thank Him for only the good? My prayer is that I can diligently and seekingly, with open hands praise Him and thank Him in not only the good, but also the bad.
Love you dear friend and lifting you up!
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